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The EmpowerMed project team has undertaken the energy audit process for women in energy poverty in the Municipality of Vlora

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Milieukontakt with the support of young volunteers’ group, within the EmpowerMed project has started the process of energy audit of the target group in the Municipality of Vlora. The first visits were made to families lead by female households, supported with economic assistance, elderly and other groups in need, who live in energy poverty conditions. These are the categories which have difficulty in paying the electricity bill and do not have the opportunity to heat their homes adequately during the winter or keep them cool during the summer. Also, the visited households cannot make the necessary investments to improve energy efficiency, which would provide them with better living conditions and economic benefits, thus paying less for the energy they consume.

The volunteers in the discussion with the family members asked if they have heat loss, insufficient insulation of doors and windows, humidity, etc. They were advised specifically on the difficulties and problems presented by households for poor economic conditions, which affect energy poverty and lack of other vital services in general. Households got information on health problems that are related to lack of comfort conditions both in winter and summer season.

The project donated to households some devices that serves to save electricity such as insulation for doors and windows, LED lamps, power extender, shower heads, etc. Installation was followed with advices from auditors on electric equipment maintenance, energy and water saving tips. By controlling their consumption, they will be able to control their electricity and water bills.

The EmpowerMed project aims to contribute to alleviation of energy poverty and improving the health of people affected by energy poverty in coastal areas with a special focus on women, through practical measures adapted to empower families affected by energy poverty and the selection of appropriate energy sources.