Empowermed project
The overall objective of EmpowerMed is to tackle energy poverty and to help improve health of people in the coastal areas of Mediterranean countries, with a particular focus on women.
Specific objectives
- Raise public awareness on energy poverty and the means for its alleviation, focusing on the specifics of coastal areas, gender and health aspects.
- Implement practical solutions tailored to empower households affected by energy poverty.
- Formulate local, national and EU policy recommendations and promote solutions to tackle energy poverty.

Our actions
- Energy visits to households, installation of saving devices and promotion of energy measures
- Energy advice training to build capacity of actors and partners
- Collective assemblies on energy and health
- “Do It Together” energy workshops
- Advocacy campaigns on gender-just policy solutions
- Recommendations to tackle energy poverty among several key actors
Expected impacts
- 10,200 people empowered to tackle energy poverty
- 6 pilot areas
- Primary energy savings: 6.5GWh/year
- Reduction of 1,600t CO2 emissions/year
- 160,000 € of investments in sustainable energy
- 780,000 € of economic savings
- Contributions to policy and best practice development on energy poverty
Key target groups
- Over 4,200 households affected by energy poverty, with a specific focus on women, women-led households, and households with health issues
- 560 social actors
- 180 health experts and practitioners
- 220 local, national and EU authorities and policy/decision-makers
- 100 utilities
- 100 energy (poverty) experts